William Bain & Company

35 Douglas Road, Harare, Zimbabwe

0772 415 287, 0772 149 426-7

William Bain & Company Holdings is Zimbabwe’s leading manufacturer of college essay help agricultural equipment, which was established in 1922 as a local distributor of tractors and farm equipment. As a development following market demand the company started the development and manufacture of the Bain range of agricultural machinery in 1968. Over the years, Bain range of products have been expanded to include a complete range of construction and mining equipment, IVECO vehicles range and castings.


To lead in the manufacture, importation and distribution of high quality mining, research paperwriting help construction, agricultural and industrial equipment. This is supported by reliable back-up service to the domestic and export market for the benefit of all stakeholders.


To be the market leader in the manufacture and supply of mining, construction, agricultural and industrial equipment in Africa.


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Posted in Agriculture & Farming in Zimbabwe and Equipment Sales in Zimbabwe

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