Zimbabwe Agricultural Growth Programme

18 Borrowdale Road, Harare, Zimbabwe

+263 24 279 0905, +263 718 243 243

The livestock sector in Zimbabwe contributes significantly to the growth and development of the national economy, providing livelihoods for small to large scale farmers and many others involved along the value chains. However, the sector faces several challenges, limiting its contribution to the national economy. These include; funding unavailability, cyclical drought, the weakness of the regulatory framework, inadequate farming practices and skills of some farmers and poor coordination amongst all stakeholders and insufficient extension services

The Zimbabwe Agricultural Growth Programme (ZAGP) is a response to tackle these challenges through financial support from the European Union (EU) amounting to €40 million.

The ZAGP has as its overarching objective to contribute to the development of a diversified and efficient agriculture sector that promotes inclusive green economic growth.

Covering Zimbabwe’s 10 provinces, the programme will address the weaknesses and gaps in livestock value chains that have prevented the sector from increasing productivity, production, and incomes, to their potential. Focus will be on building the capacity of farmers, service institutions, and private sector through increased investment, institutional reforms and policy alignment.

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Posted in Agriculture & Farming in Zimbabwe

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