
Shop 15a Chiyedza House, Kwame Nkrumah Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe

+2638644062559, +2638644074984, +263242250964

We are Zimbabwe’s premier barter exchange. People list what they have on our site and search for what they want. SwapZone.net allows people to set Ad Alerts and notifications. When offers are matched with wants members receive an email message alerting them of a match. They then use our platform to trade. Looking for someone to repair your geyser who comes highly recommended, you will find them on SwapZone. The platform allows people to rate each other after a trade ensuring that people maintain a good reputation. You will love using SwapZone to swap, exchange, barter anything for something. From Accommodation, books, computers, cars, property, movies, sports equipment, gym equipment, jobs, anything you can think of.

No cash, no problem SwapZone allows you to trade or swap something for anything. It allows you to trade items and services without necessarily using cash. Maybe you have a CD that you no longer listen to that someone else has been looking for. Have you recently upgraded your laptop or Mobile Phone and don’t know how to get rid of the old one? You can swap anything for something, even skills or services. SwapZone allows people to enlist the services of other people who have skills or products that they dont have, in exchange for skills or products that they have.

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Posted in Specialist Services in Zimbabwe

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