From a small beginning of two partners in June 1975, Sawyer and Mkushi (S & M) has grown into a sizeable legal practice which is recognised as one of Zimbabwe’s premier law firms. The partners are respectablewell-known personalities in the legal profession. Honour Mkushi (senior and founding partner),Ostern Mutero, Jingini Raphael Tsivama, Nyaradzo Gilbertina Maphosa and Farai Siyakurima supported by several qualified legal assistants. Collectively the firm represents a concentrationof specialist talent and a dynamic team of expertise.
Sawyer and Mkushi is carefully structured and staffed to meet the demands of contemporary commercial and general legal practice. The firm handles all aspects of legal work in Zimbabwe SADC, Africa,The United Kingdom, U.S.A, Singapore and Malaysia, Germany, Spain, France, Australia, China, India, Canada and literally all over the world. There are no restrictions on capacity and ability to handle legal work in any country. The firm also has reputable correspondent law firms in the leading countries of the world. For the reliable and effective cross the partners hold membership in various international law organisations like The Commonwealth Lawyers Association and the International Bar Association and Southern African Commercial Lawyers Association. These associations keep the lawyers abreast of global legal trends especially when dealing with internationally related mandates.
The firm offers a wide portfolio of services ranging from private personal matters to major commercial contracts, acquisitions and take-overs, privatisation and commercial restructures. The firm’s clients include private enterprises, parastatals, conglomerates, governments, non governmental organisations as well as private individuals. Within the practice is an active civil and criminal litigation department. A strong team is dedicated to financial law, securities, labour, energy and property law. checking and networking.
Collectively the firm represents a concentration of special talent and a dynamic team of expertise. S&M brings together experience spaning over four decades which qualifies us for legal advisory services to both the public sector and the corporate world.
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