
+263 77 636 3994

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Almost 2 years ago, bakers around Harare, Zimbabwe began to understand the benefits of using quality ingredients and the need to reduce costs without reducing the quality of the product. Products like Fondant grew in demand and small businesses were born to service the need.

However, the industry posed its own unique barriers. High demand meant the small businesses could not meet the demand and the bakers were beginning to require new and improved products.

As the world opened its eyes to the need to reduce costs and pressure started to mount for individual companies to reduce their prices, the industry still confronted its own, fundamental stumbling block… the high demand for new and improved products.

On the positive side, you’d have to imagine that such extremes must surely mean that manufactures would start to provide a high quality of alternative products which would suit the current market needs, right?

This very quandary set Delishious Delice on a quest to find suitable innovations, test them and use the results to bring a range of environmentally sound, Top Notch suitable products to Territory residents and retail companies.

Today, Delishious Delice remains a driven, Harare-based company committed to providing viable cost and quality baking solutions to make every baker’s dream come true.

We specialize in providing artificial and organic baking products for the domestic and commercial sectors. What’s more, our products and services are deemed to comply with Bakers stringent requirement

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Posted in Bakers in Zimbabwe and Industry & Manufacturing companies in Zimbabwe

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