Dairibord Zimbabwe

Dairy Board, Rekayi Tangwena Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe


+263-4-779035-46; 779050-62

Dairibord Zimbabwe (Private) Limited (DZPL) is owned 100% by Lavenson Investments (Private) Limited which is 100% owned by Dairibord Holdings Limited. Dairibord Zimbabwe (Private) Limited is the flagship subsidiary of Dairibord Holdings Limited.
The history of the company starts when it was still the Dairy Marketing Board (DMB), a parastatal. In July 1994, following the change in the legal status of the company from a parastatal to a commercial company under the government’s Economic Structural Adjustment Programme (ESAP), the name of the company changed to Dairibord Zimbabwe Limited (DZL) and the company was incorporated.

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Posted in Ice Cream Manufacturers in Zimbabwe and Parastatals in Zimbabwe

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