Welcome to Comarton Consultants (PVT) LTD
We pride ourselves in the provision of a professional, innovative, independent, and efficient employee benefit service in the following spheres:
- Conversion of occupational group pension funds from insurance company underwritten to self-administration status.
- Holistic review of Fund benefits, contribution levels and Fund costs to take account of the USD environment and ensure that such contributions, and costs are not only sustainable but also do not endanger the recovery of the sponsoring employer hence; securing pension promises made.
- Revisiting the totality of the social security benefits offered by the employer to avoid expensive duplication/wastage of the USD cost and generally align these to the USD environment and the economic realities facing employers.
- Reviewing the investment management strategy for Pension Funds, based on Actuarial asset/liability profiles determined by our Actuarial subsidiary firm, Atchison Actuarial Services Company (Private) Limited, with the aim of:Conversion of funds from Defined Benefit to Defined Contribution status. Read more
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