CFAO Motors Zimbabwe

58a Golden Stairs Road, Mt Pleasant Harare ZIMBABWE


+263 (4) 369 030-6

Mon - Thurs: 07:30am - 5:00pm Fri - 07:30am - 4:00pm

Keeps your Volkswagen running like a Volkswagen.

There is service, and there is Volkswagen Service – the service that is there just for you and your Volkswagen. And it can be obtained only from your Volkswagen dealer who is committed to Volkswagen Genuine quality.

Anyone can offer service.

There is service, and there is Volkswagen Service – the service that is there just for you and your Volkswagen. And it can be obtained only from your Volkswagen dealer who is committed to Volkswagen Genuine quality.

Volkswagen Service expertise.
Every Volkswagen model makes specific demands on service expertise. Our employees are highly qualified to provide this and they are integrated into the Volkswagen international training scheme. You can be very sure: no-one knows your Volkswagen better than we do.

Volkswagen Service workshop engineering.

With every new vehicle model, Volkswagen simultaneously develops special tools to ensure that subsequent maintenance and repair is carried out in Volkswagen quality. As a Volkswagen dealer, we naturally have these tools.

Visited 2372 times, 2 Visits today

Posted in Vehicle Sales in Zimbabwe

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Mon.-Fri.: 8:00AM - 4:45PM Sat.: 9:00AM - 12:00PM Closed: Sunday & Public Holiday

Posted In  Vehicle Sales in Zimbabwe