
2902 Mt Pleasant Heights, Harare, Zimbabwe

071 638 8581

Through it’s digital vaccine certification service, VaxiGlobal assesses the eligibility of international travellers and immigrants to meet immunisation requirements for countries and international institutions(Universities and Corporates). 

Through our partners, Vaxiglobal verifies registration of health-workers who administer vaccines to international travelers and students. With consent of the traveler, authorized  governments and institutions can access digital vaccination records for travelers and students via the Vaxiglobal platform.

Please note:  To date, the only disease specifically designated in the International Health regulations(2005) for which proof of vaccination or prophylaxis may be required as a condition of entry to a State , is yellow fever. Academic institutions and corporates can also set their own immunisation regulations. Our platform brings together travelers , governments and clinicians  to safeguard global health.

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Posted in Business Consultants in Zimbabwe and Specialist Services in Zimbabwe

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