The Hillside Dams

Famona, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

078 505 6520

The Hillside Dams, once the principle source of Bulawayo’s water supply, are in easy reach of the centre of town.

Although distinct from the Matopo Hills, this area of broken kopjes and sandy open plains resembles the much larger, better-known World Heritage Site. Yet it lies with in the Bulawayo City boundary. Its natural vegetation is still largely intact and includes a wide range of species while the bird life is diverse.

The area has attracted people since the earliest of times. It is not surprising that it was the location of one of King Lobengula Khumalo’s favourite royal village to which he escaped when the stresses and strains of power at the nearby capital of Bulawayo were too great. More recently it has catered for generations of Bulawayo residents seeking an accessible place of refuge and winding down.

As a community-oriented project the area has been leased by a group of local residents with the aim of restoring it to being once again one of the prime recreational venues in Bulawayo, enjoyed by all of its residents.

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Posted in Places & Entertainment in Zimbabwe and Places in Zimbabwe

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