Harare Institute of Public Health

55 Fife Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe

+263 783 646 688

Our institution’s mission is to develop a competent workforce for healthcare from individuals with passion through the utilization of science, technology and mathematics in heritage-based solutions for public health in Africa and beyond.

As a centre of excellence in public health training, research and informatics with all vital support mechanisms we can turn anyone into an expert in their relevant areas of interest. We conduct teaching, training and research in relevant fields with special focus on training graduates at certificate, diploma, degree, continuous professional development programmes and other professional or specialized levels. HIPH is also bringing key elements of business such as entrepreneurship, leadership, strategic management, and many more to public health. 

The primary aim of HIPH is to improve access (affordability and availability) to health. We thus promise to listen to the market and science in our quest to advance public health systems in Africa and beyond. As HIPH we are clear in our understanding that health is a basic right to everyone. We also understand communities will quickly adopt solutions that incorporate significantly their inputs, thus our key approach of heritage-based research and training.

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Posted in Colleges in Zimbabwe and Training & Educational Services in Zimbabwe

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