Fidelity Funeral Services

66 Julius Nyerere Way Harare, Zimbabwe


+263 (4) 750927 - 34, +263 735 707 268 ,+263 735 707 269

As part of the Fidelity Life Family Fidelity Funeral Services offers funeral services to individuals, families, burial societies, churches and corporates. We work hand in hand with Fidelity Life Assurance to offer burial and funeral services to our policyholders as well as offering services to non policy holders.

We view each client differently. As such we endeavor to provide solutions that best suit the client. As a funeral company, we understand that death takes place at any time and it is difficult to deal with. It is at such times one needs someone reliable, trustworthy and professional to provide a dignified respectable burial. Fidelity Funeral is proud to be able to offer you all this at your time of need, lessening your burden during your most difficult time.

Fidelity Funeral allows for flexibility through offering basic funeral services as well as providing more complex funeral planning services which allow one to actually plan how they want their funeral to be conducted.

Situated at 147 Harare Street, Fidelity Funeral is open 24hrs, 365 days of the year. We also offer credit, for those who are unable to meet the burial cost once-off. As an empathetic funeral services provider we offer flexible payment terms, as we strive to give comfort to our clients in their greatest time of need.


The company offers comprehensive burial and funeral services which include:

  • A wide range of coffins and caskets
  • Removal of deceased from home or hospital
  • Use of mortuary
  • Washing and dressing of the deceased
  • Documentation i.e. burial order and internment.
  • Transportation of the deceased
  • Supply of Equipment, e.g. Tent & Chairs, grave mats, coffin-lowering device, etc
  • Body repatriation/expatriation services
  • Bus hire
  • Repatriations and expatriations

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Posted in Financial Services in Zimbabwe

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